Sources |
- [S17] David Bryant, NZSG Index, (New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc., 2005).
NZ Brides & Grooms Index
- [S344] Eleanor Leckie and Janice Poskitt, Register of Otago & Southland Marriages 1848 to 1920, (Presbyterian Church Aotearoa New Zealand Archives, 1990), none.
Wyndham Parish Marriages. DRYSDALE, William; ELLIS, Annie Logan; 1908
- [S37] Papers Past - Tuapeka Times, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XL, Issue 5506, 18 January 1908, Page 3. WEDDING BELLS. DRYSDALE-ELLIS. We take the following which is of local interest from the Wyndham Farmer : - On New Years Day, a very interesting event was celebrated at Seaward Downs - we refer to the marriage of Mr William Drysdale, a local farmer, the eldest son of Mr John Drysdale, of Brydone (and formerly of the Tuapeka dictrict), to Miss Annie Logan Ellis, eldest daughter of Mrs J H Kitto, of Seaward Downs, and granddaughter of Mrs Redpat.h, of Mount Stuart, near Waitahuna. The marriage was solemnised at the residence of the bride's mother, in the presence of a numerous company of guests. Rev Alexander Sangster, M A. was the officiating minister. The bride looked her prettiest and 'he bridegroom his happiest, and the bright sunshine kissed their faces as they took their places in a cosy corner of the garden amid a large number of guests. The bride was dressed in cream silk taffeta with orange blossom and tulle veil, adorned with a gold brooch, the gift of the bridegroom, and she carried a beautiful bouquet. The bridesmaids (Misses Isabel and Minnie Ellis) were attired in cream silk lustre, and each wore a pretty gold brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr James Drysdale attended his brother as best man. The marriage ceremony over, the company adjourned to a large marquee erected in the garden, and partook of the bountiful hospilality of Mr and Mrs Kitto. The toast-list included "The King," " The Bride and Bridegroom" (proposed by Mr Sangster, and acknowledged by the Bridegroom), "The Bridesmaids" (proposed by Mr Thomas Haining, and responded to by the Best Man), " The Kitto family " (proposed by Mr Peter Arnott, supported by Messrs Hugh M'Call, T Haining, J Shepherd, J Eades, and J E M'Bean, and acknowledged by Mr Kitto), and " The Drysdale Family " (proposed by Mr M'Call endorsed by Mr Shepnerd, and acknowledged by Mr Drysdale, sen. ). The company separated by singing " Auld Lang Syne" and giving ringing cheers for the departing happy couple. The bride travelled in a navy blue serge, with a cream hat, trimmed with chiffon and ribbon. The party drove to Edendale in a carriage and pair, and left amid showers of rice and old boots, laughter and good wishes. In the evening the young people of the district enjoyed themselves at a social and dance in the Public Hall. A large number of valuable and useful presents to the bride were on view in the drawing room. The list included:- 2 dinner sets, 7 tea sets, 2 biscuit barrels, Duchesse stand, marble top stand with ware, 4 pair vases, crystal dishes, salad bowl, 8 jam dishes, butter knives, knives and forks, breakfast cruet, fruit plates, scales, 2 sets of carvers, cheese dish, silver butter dish, tray and lamp, silver tea spoons, 2 pair silver rings, silver salt cellar, silver hot- water jug, clock, 3 door mats, work basket, tea cosy, rugs, linoleum, fire screen, set frames, cushion, shawl, pillows, blankets, 3 pair curtains, 4 table cloths, night-dress set, 12 cheques, ornaments, egg stand, 2 yearling heifers, etc.