A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning November 17 at the home of the bride's parents, when the marriage place of Vanda Edith, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs G. F. Shonrock, Ohakea, to Hugh Blaikie, second son of Mr and Mrs J. Redpath, of Auckland and late of Feilding.
The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. H. H. Te Punga. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a very dainty French model frock of pale pink crepe de chene, beaded with silver. A pale pink embroidered tulle veil hung from from a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a beautiful bouquet of roses, Himalayan rhododendrons and asparagus fern.
The attendants were Miss Gladys Klatt, niece of the bride, and Miss Tess Redpath, sister of the bridegroom. The former wore a beaded frock of cyclamen voile and the latter a blue embossed georgette frock. Each carried posies of roses and pink passion flower and wore gold necklets, the gift of the bridegroom.
The bridegroom was attended by Mr Len. Robertson as best man and Mr Maurice Frecklington as groomsman.
After the ceremony Mrs Redpath was presented with a gold horse shoe tied with pink ribbon, by little Audrey Capstick. A reception was held in the Ohakea Hall, which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride, a special feature being a huge wedding bell suspended above the bridal party. A very handsome three-decker pink iced cake, which harmonised with the general colour scheme, was made by, and was the gift of Mrs R. Klatt, sister-in-law of the bride.
Mrs Redpath's traveling frock was a wine-coloured jumper suit of crepe de chene and fawn hat.
Source: Wanganui Chronicle, 11 December 1926, Page 18 (Supplement).