Campbell - Bryson
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cobden street, was the scene of a very quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday, when Norma Catherine, second daughter of Mrs. Bryson and the late Mr. R. Bryson, Patutahi, was married to Harry Raymond, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Ngatapa. The Rev. R. B. Spence conducted the marriage ceremony, and Mr. Irvine Moore presided at the organ.
Friends of the bride had decorated the church most tastefully with beautiful mixed autumn flowers in bronze tonings and tinted foliage, the colours blending harmoniously with the frocks of the bridal party.
The bride, who was escorted by her cousin, Mr. R. Eade, was becomingly attired in a charming model gown or honey coloured reversible satin, designed on graceful classical lines, worn with a smart brown velvet toque ornamented with a Scotch quill and an eye-veil, and brown suede shoes with silk hose to tone. She carried an artistic arm spray of gold roses and chrysanthemums and autumn foliage.
The bride was attended by her sister, Aliss Molly Bryson, as bridesmaid, wearing a smartly modelled tunic suit of nut brown cloque, with hat and shoes to tone, and carrying a charming bouquet of bronze and tawny coloured chrysanthemums, intermingled with beautiful autumn foliage.
Mr. Raymond Preston, cousin of the bridegroom, ably carried out the duties of best man.
After the ceremony at the church, a very enjoyable reception was held at the Freesia Lounge, where the usual toasts were honoured. The bride's mother received the guests, wearing a smartly tailored costume of navy herringbone pinspot worsted and a becoming navy velour hat, and holding a beautiful bouquet of roses, carnations and autumn foliage.
Mrs. Campbell, mother of the bridegroom, chose a very neat tailored costume in a becoming shade of rust, with a brown georgette blouse and a smart brown sealskin felt hat, and shoes and hose to tone. Her lovely bouquet was composed of mixed flowers in rich bronze tonings, and autumn leaves.
At the conclusion of the wedding breakfast the bride and bridegroom left on a motor tour, Mrs. Campbell travelling in a smartly tailored suit of nigger brown worsted, worn with a dainty blouse of beige lace, a brown hat, gloves, handbag, shoes and hose completing her toilette.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will make their future home at Ngatapa.
Source: Poverty Bay Herald, 15 May 1937 Page 11.