Sources |
- [S52] A. Heine, Arrival of German settlers in Nelson 1843-1869, (Unpublished manuscript, Nelson Provincial Museum).
- [S236] Charlotte Rose, Auckland, NZ, Rose Family Group Sheets, (Charlotte Rose, Westmere, Auckland 16 Aug 2007).
- [S52] A. Heine, Arrival of German settlers in Nelson 1843-1869, (Unpublished manuscript, Nelson Provincial Museum).
Rose Family. Hans Friedrich Franz b 1828 came out in 1869 by "Halcyone".
- [S87] Papers Past - Nelson Evening Mail, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
13 August 1869. List of immigrants for Nelson, embarked on board the Halcyon on 25 May 1869. 15 Immigrants listed including: Frederick Rose. On the arrival of the Halcyon at Wellington, the above-named Immigrants will be forwarded to Nelson per first steamer. Alfred Greenfield, Immigration Secretary.
- [S88] Papers Past - Wellington Independent, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
4 September 1869. Shipping Intelligence - Arrived - 3 September, Halcione, ship, 834 tons, Bishop, from London. Passenger List - Inwards - Halcione, Steerage - 15 for Nelson. Account of Voyage: The ship Halcione, Captain Bishop, sailed from London on 28 May, discharged the pilot off Start point on the 1 June and finally left land on 3 June. Crossed the equator on 3 July, having experienced several days calm after leaving the channel. Had rather tedious passage from the line to the meridian of the cape, in the consequence of head winds and calms. Run down the easting from 43° to 46° S, and the last 6000 miles, nearly half the passage, was made in 30 days. Made the land (Cape Farewell), on the morning of 1 September, and after heaving toa few hours in Cook's Strait, rounded Cape Terawiti on 2 September, in a heavy N.W. gale. Got pilot on board at 10 a.m. on the 2 September, and stood off and on the heads until yesterday morning (3 September), when the Tararua passing took the ship in tow, and broght her to anchorage in Lambton Harbour at 1 p.m. same day. The Halcione is a new ship, built by Messrs Robert Steele & Co., of Greenock, and has the highest class certificate. She is an iron ship, and sails remarkably well, but was singularly unfortunate with regards to winds during the first two months of the passage. Her greatest day's work has been 300 miles, being at a rate of 12½ nautical miles per hour. She brings 92 passengers for different ports, all of whom have arrived in good health, no causalities or accidents of any kind having occurred during the voyage. Her cargo consists of upwards of 1200 tons of general merchandise. Mrs Bishop and one son accompanies Captain Bishop. The present is the eleventh voyage that Captain Bishop has made between London and Wellington direct, ten having been made on the Wild Duck. The Halcione is a magnificent looking ship, sits very prettily on the water, and carries a large cargo.
- [S34] Henry Brett, White Wings Vol 1, (The Brett printing Co Ltd, Auckland, 1924), 74.
- [S88] Papers Past - Wellington Independent, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
- [S87] Papers Past - Nelson Evening Mail, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
- [S88] Papers Past - Wellington Independent, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
7 September 1869. Shipping Intellegence - Sailed - 5 Sptember, Ahuriri, s.s., 131 tons, Flowerday, for Wanganui, Taranaki and Manukau. 37 passengers listed (not Rose family).
- [S87] Papers Past - Nelson Evening Mail, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
6 September 1869. Shipping Intellegence - Arrived - 5 September - Steamer Ahuriri, 174, Flowerday, from Picton and Wellington. Passengers - 14 ex Halcyon, from London.
- [S26] New Zealand Society of Genealogists, NZ Cemetery Records, (New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc 1985).
Upper Moutere, St Pauls Lutheran Cemetery. Plot 40c. Frederick Rose, died 9 Apr 1898.
- [S26] New Zealand Society of Genealogists, NZ Cemetery Records, (New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc 1985).
- [S36] Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages New Zealand, NZ Death Registration.
- [S51] Archives New Zealand.
Assisted Immigration to Nelson: Register of Applications 1864-1871; Archives NZ Wellington Reference: IM-N 4/3b; Schedule No. 10 - 5 Dec 1868.