A charming wedding of local interest was solemnised by the Rev. Te Punga, of Halcoinhe at ?Pine Grove," the residence of Mr and Mrs Schultz, of Hurleyville, on the 14th inst. The contracting parties were Minnie, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs O. Schultz, and Norman Ewers, only son of Mr and the late Mrs C. Ewers, of Marton.
The bride looked very charming in a white silk marocain frock, prettily trimmed with narrow satin ribbon, and she wore the usual veil and coronet of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and asparagus. She was attended by her sister Gertrude, as bridesmaid, who wore a figured silk cream frock, prettily trimmed with pale yellow, and carried a bouquet of cream flowers. Mr F. Schultz, brother of the bride, acted as host man.
At the wedding breakfast the usual toasts were duly honoured, and the bride and bridegroom left later by car, amidst showers of confetti, for New Plymouth, before proceeding to their future home in Nelson.
The bridegroom's present to the bride was a handsome pendant, and to the bridesmaid a gold brooch, the bride?s present to the bridegroom being a gold watch-chain.
The wedding presents were varied and costly, including many cheques, one running into three figures.
The bride?s travelling dress was a navy braided one, with hat to match.
Source: Patea Mail, 22 May 1925, Page 2.