Sources |
- [S503] NZ BDM - Historical Records, (Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand).
- [S642] NZ BDM - Historical Records - DATES, (Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand).
- [S575] Papers Past - NZ Truth, (Papers Past - National Library of New Zealand), none.
Issue 1215, 14 March 1929, Page 4. WED AGAIN. Obituary Notice Good Enough. BIGAMY CHARGE. (From "N.Z.- Truth's" South Auckland Rep.) When a woman reads in a newspaper of the death of a man who bears the name of a husband whom she despises, should she be over scrlupulous in confirming the death before rriarrying again? Or shoui'd she merely let things go at that and accept the printed notice as proof? ANNIE ELIZABETH GODFREY, took such an alleged announcement as proof. The printed notice said that one Henry Godfrey had died. Her husband's name being Henry Godfrey, this surely must refer to him. Oh, yes! There seemed no doubt about it. There it was in black and white. She had not seen her husband for a couple of years when the notice appeared. Now she would never see him again. She did not mind poor Henry's passing. Their married life, which they commenced at the Registry Office in Wellington on January 8, 1902, had not been over happy, and now she was free again. For two years she had been fending for herself, but in the knowledge that she was still trammelled by her marriage bonds. It was in the year 1925 that there crossed her path at Hamilton a laborer named William Leonard Hunt. After a short acquaintanceship they decided to throw in their lot together, and lived as man and wife for about nine months. Then they married. They lived happily together for two years, when her first husband appeared in the living flesh. Mrs. Godfrey's excuse in the Hamilton Supreme Court for her second venture into matrimony, when she was charged with bigamy was that Hunt was applying for a hawker's license and she thought this might be refused him if the council knew he was living with a woman who was not his wife. The whole of the facts were admitted by accused, who was positive she had read of her "husband's death notice in the "Waikato Times." She admitted she did not inquire further, but assumed at once she. was a widow. Mr. Gillies for the Crown : And you did not trouble to make further' inquiries? Accused: I did not think it worthwhile. And you did not even trouble to keep a copy of the death notice? I thought he was dead, so what was the use? The original husband, Henry Godfrey, was in court, and proved to be very much alive. The police stated that they had searched the files of the "Waikato Times" very thoroughly; but had failed to discover the alleged death noticel' Mr. iustice Blair in his summing up, said he did riot know, but it seemed to him a rather thin excuse for a woman who had been living with a man for nearly a year as his wife, to say she married him merely to enable him to get a hawker's license. After a short retirement the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
- [S70] Hamilton City Council Online Cemetery Database, (Hamilton City Council, New Zealand).
- [S70] Hamilton City Council Online Cemetery Database, (Hamilton City Council, New Zealand).
Type Burial; Name Annie Elizabeth Godfrey; Age 74 Years; Gender Female; Date of death 02-July-1957; Date of burial Thursday 04-July-1957; Burial of Body; Cemetery Hamilton East Cemetery; Location G-U-69
- [S17] David Bryant, NZSG Index, (New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc., 2005).
NZ Brides & Grooms Index 1880 #2468
- [S614] NZ Electoral Rolls, 1853-2010, (, none.
- [S172] NZ Marriages 1836-1956, (New Zealand Society of Genealogists, 2006).
- [S89] Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages New Zealand, NZ Marriage Registration.
Marriages in the District of Wellington. Married 8 jan 1902 at the Registrars Office Wellington. Groom: Henry Godfrey, 27, Mariner, bachelor, born Christchurch NZ, residence Wellington, father James Godfrey, dealer, mother Mary Ann Godfrey, formerly Burns. Bride: Annie Elizabeth Truemen, 20, Spinster, born Wellington, residence Wellington, father Edwin Henry Trueman, painter, mother Annie Trueman, formerly Collins.
- [S89] Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages New Zealand, NZ Marriage Registration.
Marriage in the district of Hamilton. Married 1926 27 Sept in Registrar's Office, Hamilton. Groom: Wilfred Leonard Hunt, 30 years, labourer, batchelor, born Akaroa, resident Frankton Junction. Parents: Stephen Hunt, farmer and Victoria Hunt, nee Leabean. Bride: Annie Elizabeth Godfrey, 38 years, widow (former husband died 24 Oct 1924), born Wellington, resident Frankton Junction. Parents: Henry Edward Trueman, painter and Annie Elizabeth Trueman, formerly Collins.
- [S11] email.
From Kevin V [email removed for privacy] on Sat 14/03/2009 - Re: Stephen Hunt descendants