St. Paul's Church, Motu, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on August 19, when Frances Patricia, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fisher, Motu, was married to Stuart Logan, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Redpath, Rakauroa.
The Rev. P. H, Blakiston officiated, and Mrs. F. Mazengarb was the organist. The church had been beautifully decorated by friends of the bride, with lilies, spring bulbs and primus blossoms.
The bride, who was escorted by her father, wore a white embossed silk frock over cream taffeta. The full gathered bodice was buttoned down the back to the waist and came to a peak in front; it had a square lace yoke and round neckline, and long tight fitting sleeves buttoned at the wrists. The full panelled skirt fell from the waistline to form a train at the back. Her white embroidered net veil was held in place by a coronet of orange blossom. She wore a blue pendant, a present from the bridegroom, and carried a bouquet of hyacinths and winter roses tied with a lace ribbon bow. The frocks of the matron of honour, Mrs. G. Cantwell, sister of the bride, and bridesmaid, Miss June Paine, were of lemon Swiss embroidered organdie over gold taffeta. They were made with fitting bodices pointed back and front at the waist, round lace yokes with round necklines, and short puffed sleeves. The skirts were gathered and very full.
They also wore lemon silk lace mittens, coronets of matching organdie and gold leaves, in their hair. Each wore a gold locket and carried bouquets of blue hyacinths, yellow freesias and daffodils.
Mr. B. Briant was best man and Mr. A. Redpath groomsman.
At the reception in the Motu Hall the guests were received by the bride's mother, whose honey gold woollen frock was embroidered in saxe blue, buttoned down the front with blue and gold buttons. She also wore a saxe blue coat and hat and blue accessories. Her spray was blue hyacinths and daffodils.
Assisting with the reception of the guests was Mrs. T, A. Redpath, mother of the bridegroom, who had chosen a violet woollen costume with which she wore a paler violet blouse and matching bat. She had black accessories, and carried a posy of violets.
Mrs. R. Davis, sister of the bridegroom, was wearing a powder blue wool georgette frock, navy hat and navy accessories. She had a powder blue spray.
For going away the bride chose a brown and fawn checked costume, a fawn blouse, a brown hat and brown accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Redpath will make their future home in Wairata.
Visitors to Motu for the Redpath-Fisher wedding were: Mrs. F. C. Briant and Messrs B. and D. Briant, Ngatapa; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Picken and family, Patutahi; Mr. and Mrs. K. Walker, Tauranga; Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson, Te Teko; Mr. T. Buller, Mr. and Mrs. H. Redpath, Mr. and Mrs. J, Redpath, Opotiki; Mr. and Mrs. A. Macrae, Waioeka; Mr. and Mrs. G. Mead, Wairata; Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Ormond; Mr. and Mrs. A. G Beets, Mr. and Mrs. M. Paine, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hutchins, Mrs. Tansley, Mrs. Anderson and Misses Picken, S. Wilson, J. O'Connell and B. Crafts, Gisborne; Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart, Ruakituri.
Source: Opotiki News, 5 September 1950, Page 3.