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Sidney RICARDO (1819-1896) 

Newspaper articles about Sidney RICARDO (1819-1896)

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1857, Nomination For Parliament

Sidney Ricardo was nominated again in 1857 for election to the Victorian Legislative Assembly. He was elected.

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Pursuant to proclamation the nomination of candidates for the representation of the Electoral District of South Bourke, took place yesterday, at the Governor Hotham Hotel, Hawthorne. There have been three candidates in the field, but only two were nominated yesterday, Henry S. Walsh, Esq., and Sidney Ricardo, Esq., Mr Newton having resigned in favor of the Liberal canididate, Mr Ricardo.

THE RETURNING OFFICER requested a fair and impartial hearing for those gentlemen who would address them. No one would interfere with the expression of their opinion, but at the same time order must be preserved. He then read the writ, and announced the order in which the candidates would be brought before the meeting, with their proposers and seconders. He hoped an impartial hearing would then be afforded to each speaker. At the close of each speech approbation or disapprobation might be expressed.

There were between sixty and seventy persons present, and the proceedings were on the whole well conducted. R. Kent, Esq., officiated as Returning Officer. Precisely at twelve o'clock the business commenced.

The RETURNING OFFICER read the writ, and requested the meeting to accord a patient and attentive hearing to each of the speakers who would address them. He then called upon

Mr HODGSON, M.L.C.. who proposed for the approval of the electors a gentleman in whom he had considerable confidence, having sat with him for a long time in the Corporation of Melbourne. He proposed for their suffrages and recommended to their confidence, Henry S. Walsh, Esq., Alderman. ("No, no," and "Yes, yes.") After they heard that gentleman express his political sentiments they could then better judge of his fitness for their representative. (Disapprobation, cheers, and "No, no.") He then adverted to the services rendered by Mr Walsh in the various positions held by him before the public, particularly as a member of the City Council of Melbourne and as Chairman of the Boroondara Road Board. (Laughter.) He much pleasure in nominating Mr Walsh as a fit and proper person to represent them in the Legislative Assembly. (Applause and disapprobation).

Mr W. H. PETIT seconded the nomination of Mr Walsh. (Disapprobation.)

Mr H. NEWTON then came forward. He said that instead of coming before them as the proposer of any one, he had intended to have - proposer and a seconder himself. There had been a strong committee working for him, who were all in the Liberal interst as well as himself, and after an active canvass they informed him that if he stood for South Bourke he would divide the Liberal interest with Mr Ricardo, (Applause); and that Mr Walsh, who was supported by the Government would get in. He (Mr Newton) and Mr Ricardo agreed in their determined opposition to Mr Walsh. (Applause.) Look at his (Mr Walsh's) address, and they would see how favorable he was to the Government. He said that the Land Bill which was before the House could be amended in Committee. (Disapprobation.) He (Mr Newton) would like to know how they could amend in Committee, or anywhere else, a thing that was bad. (Cheers) He should tell them how he and Mr Ricardo - were either of them their representative — would treat this bill; they would blot it out and begin over again. They would not have it at all. (Applause.) He concluded by proposing Mr Sidney Ricardo as a fit and proper person to represent South Bourke in the Legislauve Assembly. (Three cheers were then given for the speaker.)

Mr JOHNSON seconded the nomination of Mr Ricardo. He pointed out that this gentleman was a man who knew the requirements of the country. (Cheers.) He was one who knew that the present Land Bill was not suitable for the country; and he was one who would do all in his power to prevent that bill passing into law. He alluded to the offices held by Mr Walsh, and asked the meeting, was his conduct in those respects that which recommended him for their suffrages? (No, no.) He said it was not. This gentleman was favorable to the present Government. Mr Ricardo was opposed to the great question of the day — the Land Bill, and would not be content to see it go into Committee to be amended. Mr Ricardo was the Liberal candidate, and was the fit and proper person to represent that constituency. (Applause.) He therefore felt great pleasure in seconding the nomination of that gentleman. (Applause.)

Mr WALSH then came forward. (Disapprobation.) He was much obliged for the compliment paid him by the gentlemanwho nominated him. He would always endeavor to merit it; and he might, perhaps, inform them why he was now before them. (A voice, "We don't want you.") Well, at any rate, he was before them now: he had for the last ten years held honorary offices, and done all in his power for the good of the country. ("Oh, oh.") Roads and bridges he considered were the great requirements of this country. (Hear, hear.) Without roads and bridges the country could never progress; and if they did him the honor of electing him, he should do all in his power to make the Government grant a sufficient sum of money for roads and bridges throughout the colony, and for that district in particular. The agricultural interest was the great interest of the country, and must be encouraged. With reference to the Land Bill, he must say, that he did not think that it would affect this country much. ("Oh, oh") He should not like to see it thrown out, because he thought the country was anxious for the settlement of this question, and he believed that in committee such amendments could be made in this bill as would make it satisfactory to the country. (No, no, and slight applause.) He did not however agree altogether with this bill; far from it. He disagreed with the greatest part of it. (Hear, hear.) But he did not think it would be judicious to throw it out now. To bring forward a perfect land scheme was a most difficult task. He was not opposed to the present government; he thought we now had a pretty Liberal administration — still he was not, and never would be, a thick-aud-thin supporter of the present or any future government. He was favorable to the extension of railways, and to everything else that would tend to develop the resources of the colony, and particularly of the agricultural districts. (Applause.) He was favorable to the system of deferred payments, which he believed would be a relief to the poor man. (Applause.) After a few other observations he promised that if the electors placed him in the proud position of their representative, he should devote his best energies to their interests. (Applause.)

Mr RICARDO came forward amidst much approbation. (A Voice: "You went away, and came back again.") Before proceeding he would first of all thank Mr Newton for withdrawing in his favor. That gentleman was a rara avis, an honest lawyer. (Cheers.) He came forward on independent grounds, and professing liberal principles, and in that respect he offered himself to them, believing they would elect him in preference to Mr Walsh. (Cheers.) They would perhaps on a future occasion elect Mr Walsh. In reference to his return to them, after having retired, it would be recollected that he had promised if a more liberal candidate came forward he should retire, and he did retire. But he did not think a more liberal man than himself was now before them. He now came before them professing the principles which then, as now, seemed to meet with their approbation. (Cheers.) They knew he was opposed to the present Government; and as the land question was the great question of the day, he might state unhesitatingly that he was entirely opposed to the measure at present before the Parliament. (Loud cheers.) That bill was never meant to meet the requirements of the colony; it was for the squatters. (Cheers.) He had a new land scheme of his own cut and dried, which he would take an opportunity of bringing before them. They all knew of the Orders in Council — squatters' law! (Hear, hear.) The lands in the hands of the squatters at present should not by any fresh law be given to them in perpetuity. (Applause.) He wished to see tne lands for a considerable distance round the great centres of population divided into dairy farms. The agricultural and pastoral interests must be brought to work together or the colony would never progress. (Applause.) Agricultural farms should be put up to lease at one shilling an acre; a poor man should be allowed to lease the land from the Government as well as the rich man, and he should have the opportunity of purchasing that land at £1 an acre any time within seven years. (Loud cheers.) The farming interest must be encouraged. (Applause.) In reference to the other candidate before them, they had been told that he was a member of the City Corporation: he believed that Mr Walsh would have a better chance of being elected if he had not "Alderman" before his name. (Hear, hear.) Another recommendation was, that Mr Walsh was Chairman of the Boroondara Road Board. He (Mr Ricardo) believed that if no Boroondara Road Board existed, the roads of that district would be better. (Hear, hear.) He would tell them that he was in favor of Parliamentary reform, and an increase of members of the Assembly. (Cheers.) And he was of opinion that the electoral roll ought to be revised without delay. (Cheers.) He wished to see roads and bridges constructed all over the country. Certainly, he was favorable to the construction of railways; but he was of opinion that, to open up quickly the agricultural resources of the country, roads aud bridges must be made. Would it not be better to expend money in constructing one hundred miles of road rather than ten miles of railway? (Hear, hear.) He then entered into a running commentary upon certain minor local affairs, and concluded by thanking the assemblage for the patient hearing they had given him. He promised if they did him the honor of electing him on Friday next, that he should do all in his power to represent them properly. (Three cheers were then given for Mr Ricardo.)

The RETURNING OFFICER having called for a show of hands, — after counting — he stated the result to be—

For Mr Walsh 18
For Mr Ricardo 57

And declared Mr Ricardo to be duly elected.

Mr WALSH demanded a poll.

The RETURNING OFFICER then stated that the polling would commence at nine o clock in the morning, and close at four o'clock in the afternoon of Friday next, the 17th instant.

A vote of thanks to the Returning Officer was proposed by Mr Ricardo, and seconded by Mr Walsh, and accorded by acclamatiou by the assemblage. The proceedings then terminated.

Source: The Age, Tue 14 Jul 1857, Page 5.

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The official declaration of the polling for this district was made yesterday, at noon, at the Governor Hotham Hotel, Hawthorn, in the presence of about fifty persons.

The Returning-Officer, Robert Kent, Esq., declared the result, as follows:-

Ricardo, 415
Walsh 176
Majority for Ricardo 239

He therefore declared Sydney Ricardo, Esq., to have been duly returned to serve the Electoral District of South Bourke in the Legislative Assembly.

Mr. Ricardo addressed the electors at some length. He declared his object in coming forward had been to oppose, by his vote in the House, the present Land Bill. Mr. Walsh was not present. A vote of thanks having been given to the Returning-Officer, the proceedings terminated.

Source: Bendigo Advertiser, Wed 22 Jul 1857, Page 2.

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