Chris Korte's New Zealand Genealogy Project

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 6 Oct 1769: James Cook arrives in NZ
    The English navigator Captain James Cook sighted New Zealand on 6 October 1769, and landed at Poverty Bay (now Gisborne) two days later. He drew detailed and accurate maps of the country, and wrote about the Maori people. Thanks to Cook’s detailed charts, and his gentlemen passengers’ scientific and artistic documentation, accurate knowledge of New Zealand was available in Europe for the first time from the 1770s.
  • 26 Jan 1778: First Convicts arrive in Australia
    On 26 January 1788 the first Governor of NSW, Captain Arthur Phillip, and the First Fleet arrived in Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) to establish a penal colony at Sydney Cove. The fleet was made up of 11 ships carrying 750-780 convicts plus 550 crew, soldiers and family members from Britain to Australia.
  • 1804: Hobart founded
    In 1804 Lieutenant John Bowen, with the British Royal Navy, chose Risdon Cove on the eastern shore of the River Derwent in the south-east of Tasmania for the first settlement of Europeans. In 1804 Lieutenant-governor David Collins moved the settlement across the river and Hobart was founded.
  • 1825: Tasmania separated from NSW
    In 1825 Van Diemen’s Land, which had been part of the colony of New South Wales, became a British colony in its own right. In 1856 Van Diemen’s Land’s name was changed to Tasmania.
  • 22 Jan 1840: 1st Wellington Settlers
    The New Zealand Company’s first settler ship, the Aurora, arrived at Petone to found the settlement that would become Wellington Settlement. Named after the first Duke of Wellington, the victor of the Battle of Waterloo, the new town was part of the New Zealand Company’s systematic model of colonisation developed by Edwin Gibbon Wakefield. Central to his scheme were packages of land comprising a town acre (0.4 ha) and an accompanying 100 country acres (40 ha). There were 1100 one-acre town sections in the plan for Port Nicholson. By the end of 1840, 1200 settlers had arrived in Wellington.
  • 6 Feb 1840: Treaty of Waitangi
    The Treaty of Waitangi is a treaty first signed on 6 February 1840 by representatives of the British Crown and Maori chiefs (rangatira) from the North Island of New Zealand. It has become a document of central importance to the history, to the political constitution of the state, and to the national mythos of New Zealand, and has played a major role in framing the political relations between New Zealand's government and the Maori population, especially from the late-20th century.
  • 16 Nov 1840: NZ becmes a colony
    New Zealand officially became a separate colony of the United Kingdom, severing its link to New South Wales. North, South and Stewart islands were to be known respectively as the provinces of New Ulster, New Munster and New Leinster. William Hobson had been appointed Britain’s consul to New Zealand in 1839. He was instructed to obtain sovereignty over all or part of New Zealand with the consent of "a sufficient number" of chiefs. New Zealand would then come under the authority of George Gipps, the governor of New South Wales; Hobson would become Gipps’ lieutenant-governor.
  • 1 Feb 1842: 1st Settlers arrive Nelson
    The Fifeshire arrived in Nelson Settlement on 1 Feb 1842 with immigrants for the New Zealand Company’s first settlement in the South Island. Several thousand settlers arrived in Nelson within a few months.
  • 1845—1872: New Zealand Wars
    The New Zealand Wars were a series of armed conflicts that took place in New Zealand from 1845 to 1872 between the Colonial government and allied Maori on one side and Maori and Maori-allied settlers on the other. At the peak of hostilities in the 1860s, 18,000 British troops, supported by artillery, cavalry and local militia, battled about 4,000 Maori warriors. Over the course of the Taranaki and Waikato campaigns, the lives of about 1,800 Maori and 800 Europeans were lost, and total Maori losses over the course of all the wars may have exceeded 2,100.
  • 12 Feb 1851: Gold is discovered in New South Wales.
    On February 12, 1851, a prospector discovered flecks of gold in a waterhole near Bathurst, New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Soon, even more gold was discovered in what would become the neighboring state of Victoria. This began the Australian Gold Rush.
  • 1 Jul 1851: Victoria separated from NSW
    In 1851 Port Phillip District separated from New South Wales and renamed itself the Colony of Victoria. As a result of this a Legislative Council was formed to govern the new Colony of Victoria. The first Legislative Council consisted of 30 men, 10 appointed directly by the newly appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Victoria, Charles Latrobe. The remaining 20 men (no women were allowed) were elected to office by wealthy land owners. At this point in time only people who owned a significant amount of land were allowed to vote. In 1855 the Colony of Victoria gained self-governance from Britain
  • 17 Jan 1853—1 Jan 1877: NZ Provinces
    On 17 January 1853, New Zealand was divided into six Provinces (Auckland, Taranaki, Wellington, Nelson, Canterbury, Otago), though there were soon secessions (Hawkes Bay 1858, Marlborough 1859, Southland 1864-1870, Westland 1868). Each province kept the revenue earned from the sale of their Crown land, and were responsible for encouraging immigration to their area. The provinces formally ceased to exist on the 1 January 1877 and local government was then vested in elected borough and county councils.
10 1854 
  • 24 May 1854: 1st NZ Parliment
    New Zealand Parliament's first sitting in Auckland occurred on 24 May 1854. Auckland was to be the colony’s capital city (and home to Parliament) for the next 10 years. The colony’s first elected parliamentarians, all 37 of them, were sworn in, making their oaths of allegiance to the Crown in the person of the acting governor, Colonel R.H. Wynyard.
  • 3 Dec 1854: Battle of the Eureka Stockade, Ballarat.
    On 30 November 1854 miners from the Victorian town of Ballarat, disgruntled with the way the colonial government had been administering the goldfields, swore allegiance to the Southern Cross flag at Bakery Hill and built a stockade at the nearby Eureka diggings. Early on the morning of Sunday 3 December 1854, when the Eureka Stockade was only lightly guarded, government troops attacked. At least 22 diggers and six soldiers were killed. The rebellion of miners at Eureka Stockade is a key event in the development of Australia’s representational structures and attitudes towards democracy and egalitarianism.
11 1859 
  • 6 Jun 1859: Queensland separated from NSW
    Queen Victoria granted approval and signed Letters Patent on 6 June 1859 to establish the new Colony of Queensland, separate from New South Wales. On the same day, an Order-in-Council gave Queensland its own constitution. Queensland became a self-governing colony with its own Governor, a nominated Legislative Council and an elected Legislative Assembly.
12 1861 
  • 23 May 1861: Otago Gold Rush
    The Otago Gold Rush began after Gabriel Read found gold near the Tuapeka River, a tributary of the Clutha River in Otago. The Otago provincial government had offered a £1000 reward for the discovery of "payable quantities" of gold. Read, a prospector from Tasmania, claimed the reward (equivalent to more than $110,000 today) after finding gold "shining like the stars in Orion". His discovery sparked the first major gold rush in New Zealand. The Otago gold rush peaked in the mid-1860s, after which miners left in large numbers for the new West Coast goldfields.
13 1863 
  • 7 Feb 1863: HMS Orpheus shipwreck
    On 7 February 1863 the Royal Navy steam corvette HMS Orpheus foundered at the entrance to Auckland’s Manukau Harbour. Of the 259 officers, seamen and Royal Marines on board, 189 died in the worst maritime disaster in New Zealand waters.
  • 12 Jul 1863: Waikato Invasion
    British troops invaded the Waikato by crossing the Mangatawhiri Stream, which the Kingitanga (Maori King movement) had declared an aukati (a line not to be crossed). Lieutenant-General Duncan Cameron had crossed the Mangatawhiri Stream with the declared intention of establishing military posts on the Waikato River. Five days later, the first battle of the Waikato War was fought at Koheroa, near Mercer.
14 1865 
  • 26 Jul 1865: NZ Parliment moves to Wellington
    The New Zealand capital moved from Auckland to more centrally located Wellington on the recommendation of a specially appointed Australian commission. The former Wellington Provincial Council chamber became the new home for Parliament.
15 1868 
  • 10 Nov 1868: Matawhero Massacre
    The Matawhero Massacre was Te Kooti’s utu (revenge) for his exile to the Chatham Islands and subsequent events. In the middle of the night, around 100 men, 60 on horseback, forded the Waipaoa River and moved quietly towards Matawhero. By dawn, they had killed about 60 people of all ages in the Pakeha settlement and adjacent kainga (Maori settlements). Some were shot, but most were bayoneted, tomahawked or clubbed to avoid alerting their neighbours.
16 1873 
  • 1873—1876: Vogel Immigration and Public Works
    The Vogel Era - New Zealand adopted in the 1870s an assisted immigration and public works scheme inaugurated by Colonial Treasurer then Premier Julius Vogel to develop the country and to relieve the slump of the late 1860s; to be financed by borrowing overseas. His "Great Public Works Policy" resulted in a large increase in migrants and provision of many new railways, roads and telegraph lines. The population rose from 248,000 in 1870 to 399,000 in 1876.
17 1879 
  • 19 Dec 1879: NZ Universal Male Suffrage
    Universal Male Suffrage was introduced to New Zealand with the Qualification of Electors Act. The Act extended the right to vote (or electoral franchise) to all European men aged over 21, regardless of whether they owned or rented property. This reform, known as universal male suffrage – or, at the time, as 'manhood suffrage' – helped transform New Zealand’s politics in the late 19th century. Maori men had been granted universal suffrage in 1867, to vote in four special Maori seats.
18 1881 
  • 29 Apr 1881: Tararua shipwreck
    On a voyage from Port Chalmers to Melbourne, the Tararua struck a reef off Waipapa Point, Southland, at 5 a.m. on 29 April. A passenger swam ashore to raise the alarm, but the rough sea made it too dangerous to take people off. The ship began to break up, and the passengers climbed the rigging. They hung on until 2.35 a.m. the next morning, when those on the beach heard piercing shrieks. By daybreak the ship had sunk, and bodies were floating ashore. Of the 151 passengers and crew on board, 131 were lost in the worst civilian shipwreck in New Zealand waters.
19 1882 
  • 15 Feb 1882: 1st Frozen Meat Export
    The first frozen meat shipment was exported from New Zealand on 15 February 1882 aboard the Dunedin. The ship had been fitted with a coal-powered Bell Coleman freezing plant, which cooled the entire hold to 22 degrees celsius below the outside temperature. About 5000 carcasses were on board the Dunedin when it sailed from Port Chalmers to London. The new technology ultimately enabled the owner-operated (family) farm to become the standard economic unit in rural New Zealand for the next century.
20 1886 
  • 10 Jun 1886: Tarawera eruption
    On 10 June 1886 the volcanic Mt Tarawera, south-east of Rotorua, erupted spectacularly, killing perhaps 120 people and burying the famed Pink and White Terraces on Lake Rotomahana.
21 1893 
  • 19 Sep 1893: NZ Universal Female Suffrage
    Universal Female Suffrage in New Zealand was achieved when a new Electoral Act was signed into law in 1893. New Zealand became the first self-governing country in the world in which women had the right to vote in parliamentary elections. The passage of the Act was the culmination of years of agitation by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and other organisations. As part of this campaign, a series of massive petitions were presented to Parliament; those gathered in 1893 were together signed by almost a quarter of the adult female population of New Zealand.
22 1894 
  • 29 Oct 1894: Wairarapa shipwreck
    On 29 October 1894, in a heavy fog, the liner Wairarapa steamed into cliffs on Great Barrier Island, about 100 km out from Auckland, and sank with the loss of 121 of its 251 passengers and crew. SS Wairarapa was a New Zealand ship plying the route between Auckland, New Zealand and Australia.
23 1899 
  • 11 Oct 1899—31 May 1902: Second Anglo-Boer War
    The Second Boer War was fought between the British Empire and two Boer states, the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) and the Orange Free State, over the Empire's influence in South Africa. Initial Boer attacks were successful, and although British reinforcements later reversed these, the war continued for years with Boer guerrilla warfare, until harsh British counter-measures brought the Boers to terms. New Zealand sent more than 6,500 personnel and 8,000 horses to South Africa for the war, with 71 killed in action or dying of wounds, with another 159 dying in accidents or from disease.
24 1901 
  • 1 Jan 1901: Commonwealth of Australia
    Australia became a nation on 1 January 1901 when six British colonies — New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania — united to form the Commonwealth of Australia. This process is known as Federation.
  • 15 May 1901: 1st Automobile Offence
    Speeding Offense: Nicholas Oates appeared in the Christchurch Magistrate’s Court charged with driving 'a motor car within the city at a speed greater than four miles an hour' (6.5 km/hr) on Lincoln Road, Christchurch. The excessive speed had frightened the horses of George Gould, whose carriage was standing in the road near the hospital. Oates and his business partner Alexander Lowry owned Zealandia Cycle Works, the largest bicycle factory in New Zealand or Australia in the late 1890s. In 1898 he had become the first person to import a car into the South Island. At the time of his conviction for speeding there were only seven motor vehicles in Canterbury.
25 1904 
  • 27 Apr 1904: First Australian Labour Government
    When Chris Watson and his ministers were sworn in on 27 April 1904, they were forming not just Australia’s first national Labor government. It was the first national labour government in the world.
26 1908 
  • 6 Nov 1908: Auckland to Wellington Railway Completed
    The Auckland to Wellington Railway was ceremonially opened by Prime Minister Sir Joseph Ward, at Manganuioteao, between National Park and Ohakune in 1908. Construction of the central section between Te Awamutu and Marton had taken 23 years. Regular services between Auckland and Wellington began soon after the opening ceremony, and an express service introduced in February 1909 made the journey in 18 hours. From 1924, a new 'Night Limited' service cut the trip to 14 hours.
27 1914 
  • 28 Jul 1914—11 Nov 1918: World War One
    World War One (often abbreviated as WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War or the Great War, was a global war originating in Europe. Contemporaneously described as "the war to end all wars", it led to the mobilisation of more than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, making it one of the largest wars in history. It is also one of the deadliest conflicts in history, with an estimated nine million combatants and seven million civilian deaths as a direct result of the war, while resulting genocides and the resulting 1918 influenza pandemic caused another 50 to 100 million deaths worldwide. Commonwealth countries, including New Zealand and Australia sent troops to the war in support of Great Britian. 8% of Australia's population served overseas in the war (330,000) and total deaths were 60,284. 9% of New Zealand's population served overseas in the war (98,950) and total deaths were 18,058.
28 1918 
  • Oct 1918: Influenza Pandemic
    The second and more deadly wave of a new strain of Influenza arrived in New Zealand in October 1918. By the end of the year around 9,000 people across the country had died. Half as many New Zealanders lost their lives in little more than two months than during the entire First World War, and worldwide the pandemic was responsible for at least 50 million deaths. Maori were particularly affected by the flu, with a death rate eight times that of Pakeha.
29 1922 
  • 4 Oct 1922: Radio in New Zealand
    Radio in New Zealand. The first radio station, Radio Dunedin, began broadcasting on 4 October 1922, but it was only in 1925 that the Radio Broadcasting Company (RBC) began broadcasts throughout New Zealand. In 1932, RBC's assets were acquired by the government, which established the New Zealand Broadcasting Board (NZBB).
30 1929 
  • 1929—1939: The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, while international trade plunged by more than 50%. New Zealand was especially vulnerable to worldwide depression, as it relied almost entirely on agricultural exports to the United Kingdom for its economy. The drop in exports led to a lack of disposable income from the farmers, who were the mainstay of the local economy. Jobs disappeared and wages plummeted, leaving people desperate and charities unable to cope. Work relief schemes were the only government support available to the unemployed, the rate of which by the early 1930s was officially around 15%, but unofficially nearly twice that level (official figures excluded Maori and women). In 1932, riots occurred among the unemployed in three of the country's main cities (Auckland, Dunedin, and Wellington). Many were arrested or injured through the tough official handling of these riots by police and volunteer "special constables". After 1932, an increase in wool and meat prices led to a gradual recovery.
31 1931 
  • 3 Feb 1931: Hawkes Bay Earthquake
    When the deadly Hawkes Bay Earthquake, measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, struck at 10.47 a.m., many buildings in central Napier and Hastings collapsed immediately. Fire broke out in Napier’s business district shortly after the earthquake, and once the reservoir emptied, firefighters were powerless. Flames gutted almost 11 blocks of central Napier, killing some people who were still trapped. In terms of loss of life (256), it remains the worst civil disaster to have occurred in New Zealand.
32 1935 
  • 27 Nov 1935—12 Dec 1949: First NZ Labour Government
    New Zealand's first Labour Government was elected in the 1935 election. Undermined by its failure to cope with the distress of the Depression, the Coalition (or 'National') government was routed by the Labour Party led by Michael Joseph Savage. Labour held power for 19 years, implementing far-reaching economic and social reforms that set the political agenda for the next half century.
33 1938 
  • 14 Sep 1938: Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act was passed in 1938, the cornerstone of the first Labour government’s welfare programme. The Act overhauled the New Zealand pension system and extended benefits for families, invalids and the unemployed. The Act combined the introduction of a free-at-the-point-of-use health system with a comprehensive array of welfare benefits. It was financed by a tax surcharge of one shilling in the pound, or 5%. Supporters envisaged a scheme that would protect New Zealanders 'from the cradle to the grave'.
34 1939 
  • 1 Sep 1939—15 Aug 1945: World War Two
    World War Two (often abbreviated to WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries—including all the great powers—eventually formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. A state of total war emerged, directly involving more than 100 million people from more than 30 countries. World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, marked by 70 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China. It included massacres, the genocide of the Holocaust, strategic bombing, premeditated death from starvation and disease, and the only use of nuclear weapons in war. New Zealand and Australia contributed to the Allies war effort. 575,799 Australians served overseas. About 140,000 New Zealand men and women served, 104,000 in 2nd NZEF, the rest in the British or New Zealand naval or air forces. Fatal casualties during the conflict numbered 39,429 for Australia and 11,928 for NZ.
35 1947 
  • Jul 1947—1975: Assisted Immigration
    The Immigration Assistance Scheme, introduced in July 1947, was designed to bring skilled workers into New Zealand. Unlike earlier schemes, the focus was on attracting single people with practical skills. There was an initial preference for 20 to 35-year-olds, but the upper age limit was extended to 45 in 1950. While assistance went primarily to white British citizens, the country also sought other European groups who could easily assimilate into post-war New Zealand. The most favoured were the Dutch – over 6000 arrived in the 1950s as part of an assisted passage scheme from the Netherlands. Most assisted immigrants travelled by ship and docked at Wellington, but in later years many arrived by plane at Auckland's Whenuapai Airport.
36 1950 
  • 25 Jun 1950—27 Jul 1953: Korean War
    The Korean War was a war between North Korea (with the support of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the support of the United Nations, principally from the United States). The Korean War was among the most destructive conflicts of the modern era, with approximately 3 million war fatalities and a larger proportional civilian death toll than World War II or the Vietnam War. It incurred the destruction of virtually all of Korea's major cities and thousands of massacres by both sides. About 6,000 New Zealand men served during the Korea War, with 45 deaths. 17,000 The Korean War had a dramatic indirect economic impact in New Zealand. The sense of crisis precipitated by the outbreak in 1950 encouraged the United States to seek to buy large quantities of wool to complete its strategic stockpiles. This demand led to the greatest wool boom in New Zealand's history, with prices tripling overnight.
37 1953 
  • 24 Dec 1953: Tangiwai railway accident
    On 24 December a North Island main trunk express plunged off the Tangiwai bridge into the Whangaehu River. The bridge had been fatally weakened by a lahar from Mt Ruapehu’s crater lake. Of the 285 people on board, 151 were killed. This is New Zealand’s worst rail disaster.
38 1959 
  • 30 May 1959: Auckland Harbour Bridge
    Auckland Harbour Bridge opened after four years of construction in 1959. The bridge is 1017 m long, and used 5670 tonnes of steel, 17,160 cubic m of concrete and 6800 litres of paint. Originally, the bridge had only four lanes, but this quickly proved inadequate. In September 1969 the ‘Nippon clip-ons’ – two lanes on each side, pre-fabricated in Japan – were added. At the time, this was pioneering technology, but 15 years later fatigue was discovered in the splice joints and several thousand had to be replaced. Tolls were charged on the bridge until 1984.
39 1960 
  • 1 Jun 1960: First NZ TV Broadcasts
    First NZ TV Broadcasts. Full-time black and white television broadcasting was first introduced in New Zealand in 1960. Initially, programming was done on a regional basis, with different services broadcasting from the main cities, AKTV2 in Auckland, being the first on 1 June 1960, followed in 1961 by CHTV3 in Christchurch on 1 June and WNTV1 in Wellington on 1 July, and then DNTV2 in Dunedin on 31 July 1962.
40 1964 
  • 1 Jun 1964—30 Apr 1975: Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It was officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies; South Vietnam was supported by the United States, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and other anti-communist allies. New Zealand's involvement in the Vietnam War was from 1964 until 1975 was modest, involving approximately 3,800 military personnel, with 37 killed and approximately 187 injured.
41 1967 
  • 1967: Citizenship for all Aboriginal people
    At the time of Federation, Aborigines were excluded from the rights of Australian citizenship, including the right to vote, the right to be counted in a census and the right to be counted as part of an electorate. In addition, they were not subject to Commonwealth laws and benefits in relation to wages and social security benefits such as maternity allowances and old age pensions. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people matters were in the hands of State governments. The Australian Constitution was amended in 1967 to give the Commonwealth power to make laws for Aboriginal people and to make it possible to include Aboriginal people in the census, which in effect, made them count as Australian citizens for the first time.
  • 10 Jul 1967: Decimal Currency
    Decimal Currency, dollars and cents, replaced Pounds, shillings and pence in 1967. The banks were closed from Wednesday 5 July to give staff time to convert their records by 10 July. The new coins were in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. The new $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 and $100 banknotes each had different native birds and plants on the reverse, and were distinguishable by colour. Their design featured complicated geometric patterns, including Maori iconography. A $50 note was introduced in 1981, and in 1990 the $1 and $2 notes were replaced by coins.
42 1971 
  • 25 Oct 1971: End of Steam Railways
    The last steam powered locomotive on New Zealand Railways (NZR) network was the Christchurch–Dunedin overnight express, headed by a JA-class locomotive, on 25 October 1971. This brought to an end 108 years of regular steam rail operations by NZR. New Zealand’s rail system was predominantly steam-powered from 1863, when the first public railway opened in Christchurch, until the 1950s, when the transition to diesel power gathered momentum. The dieselisation of North Island railways was complete by the late 1960s.
43 1973 
  • 31 Oct 1973: Colour TV
    Colour TV. On Wednesday 31 October 1973, colour television using the Phase Alternating Line (PAL) system was introduced in NZ, in readiness for the 1974 British Commonwealth Games, which were to be held in Christchurch in January and February 1974. The final switchover for colour from black and white television was in December 1975.
44 1975 
  • 10 Oct 1975: Waitangi Tribunal
    The government created the Waitangi Tribunal to hear Maori claims of breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi. It has evolved ever since, adapting to the demands of claimants, government and public. The Tribunal reports on and suggests settlement for contemporary Maori claims to the government, and ensures that future legislation was consistent with the treaty. In 1985, the government extended its jurisdiction to claims about any alleged breach of the treaty since 1840. This resulted in a huge increase in the number of claims and an expansion of the Tribunal’s activities.
45 1979 
  • 28 Nov 1979: Mt Erebus air crash
    On 28 November an Air New Zealand DC-10 airliner, on a sightseeing flight to Antarctica, crashed into Mt Erebus. All 257 passengers and crew were killed in New Zealand’s worst air disaster.
46 1983 
  • 28 Mar 1983: CER Agreement
    The Australia–New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement, better known as CER, was New Zealand’s first comprehensive bilateral trade agreement. CER came into force on 1 January 1983, but the agreement was not formally signed until 28 March, by New Zealand’s High Commissioner in Canberra, Laurie Francis, and Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Lionel Bowen. By 1990, there was free trade in goods and nearly all services between the two countries. In recent years NZ and Australia have moved towards even closer cooperation in policies, laws and regulatory regimes.
47 1986 
  • 1 Oct 1986: Goods and Services Tax
    New Zealand introduced a Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 1986, adding 10 per cent to the cost of most goods and services. GST was a key part of the economic reforms of the fourth Labour government – dubbed 'Rogernomics' after Minister of Finance Roger Douglas. This 'regressive' tax hit the poorest the hardest, because people on low incomes spend a higher proportion of their money on basic goods and services than the better-off. The rate of GST was increased to 12.5 per cent in 1989 and to 15 per cent in 2010.
48 1988 
  • 7 Mar 1988: Cyclone Bola
    Cyclone Bola, one of the most damaging storms to hit New Zealand, struck Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne–East Cape in March 1988. The weather system slowed as it moved over the area, bringing torrential rain for more than three days. Worst affected was the hill country behind Gisborne, where warm moist air increased rainfall. In places, more than 900 mm of rain fell in 72 hours, and one area had 514 mm in a single day. Ensuing floods overwhelmed river stopbanks, damaged houses, swept away bridges and sections of roads and railway lines, and destroyed parts of Gisborne’s main water pipeline. Three people died in a car swept away by floodwaters, and thousands were evacuated from their homes. Farmers lost large tracts of grazing area, and thick sediment from floods smothered pastures, orchards and crops. The government repair bill for the cyclone was more than $111 million ($210 million).
49 1995 
  • 22 May 1995: Waikato-Tainui Settlement
    Waikato-Tainui iwi signed Deed of Settlement with the Crown on 22 May 1995. Waikato–Tainui was the first iwi to reach an historical Treaty of Waitangi settlement with the Crown for injustices that went back to the wars and land confiscations (raupatu) of the 1860s. The Deed of Settlement included cash and land valued at a total of $170 million. The agreement was a major landmark in New Zealand’s developing treaty settlements process. By 2014, Tainui Group Holdings and Waikato–Tainui Fisheries had assets of over $1 billion.
50 1997 
  • 20 Oct 1997: 'Black Tuesday' share-market crash
    'Black Tuesday' share-market crash occurred when billions of dollars were wiped off the value of New Zealand shares in the weeks following 20 October, as the shock-waves of a sharp drop in New York’s Wall St stock market rippled around the world. Many investors lost everything as companies that had over-extended themselves with debt were dragged under. Small 'mum and dad' investors were also burned by the experience; many deserted the share market, which languished until the early 2000s in NZ.
51 2003 
  • 2003: NZ Population 4 million.
    Population of New Zealand exceeds 4 million.
52 2005 
  • 26 Apr 2005: Civil unions in NZ
    Civil unions come into effect on 26 April 2005 in New Zealand. Couples (heterosexual or homosexual) were now able to register their relationship as a civil union. The change meant that all couples in New Zealand, whether they were married, in a civil union or in a de facto partnership, now had the same legal rights and obligations. Marriage between two adults of the same sex was legalised in August 2013 by the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act.
53 2010 
  • 4 Sep 2010: Canterbury Earthquake
    A magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes the Canterbury Region causing widespread damage to Christchurch and surrounding areas. The earthquake which struck at 4.35 a.m. on a Saturday morning was felt by many people in the South Island and southern North Island. There was considerable damage in central Canterbury, especially in Christchurch, but no loss of life. It was the largest earthquake to affect a major urban area since the 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake.
54 2011 
  • 22 Feb 2011: Christchurch Earthquake
    The Christchurch Earthquake occurred at 12.51 p.m. on Tuesday 22 February 2011, magnitude 6.3, causing severe damage in Christchurch and Lyttelton, killing 185 people and injuring several thousand. The earthquake struck at lunchtime, when many people were on the city streets. More than 130 people lost their lives in the collapse of the Canterbury Television and Pyne Gould Corporation buildings. Falling bricks and masonry killed 11 people, and eight died in two city buses crushed by crumbling walls. Rock cliffs collapsed in the Sumner and Redcliffs area, and boulders tumbled down the Port Hills, with five people killed by falling rocks.
55 2019 
  • 15 Mar 2019: Christchurch mosque shootings
    Christchurch mosque shootings involved two consecutive terrorist shooting attacks at mosques in Christchurch during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019. The attacks began at the Al Noor Mosque in the suburb of Riccarton at 1:40 p.m. and continued at Linwood Islamic Centre at about 1:55 p.m. The gunman live-streamed the first attack on Facebook. The attacks killed 51 people and injured 49. Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old man from Grafton, New South Wales, Australia, described in media reports as a white supremacist and part of the alt-right, was arrested and charged with 51 murders, 40 attempted murders, and engaging in a terrorist act. Gun laws in NZ were tightened after the shootings.
  • Dec 2019—2022: COVID-19 pandemic
    COVID-19 pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern regarding COVID-19 on 30 January 2020, and later declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of 17 May 2021, more than 163 million cases have been confirmed, with more than 3.38 million deaths attributed to COVID-19, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history. Australia and NZ closed their borders and had lock downs that limited COVID, there being 910 and 26 deaths respectively by 17 May 2021.
56 2020 
  • Mar 2020: NZ population 5 million
    Population of New Zealand 5 million. New Zealand's resident population provisionally reached 5 million in March 2020, Stats NZ said. It was also the fastest million in NZ history, taking 17 years after reaching 4 million in 2003.
57 2023 
  • 12 Feb 2023—19 Feb 2023: Cyclone Gabrielle
    Ex-tropical cyclone Gabrielle struck the north and east of the North Island, resulting in 11 deaths. An estimated 10,000 people were displaced as a result of the cyclone. 1,720 claims of injuries were accepted by ACC. Treasury estimated the total damage from Gabrielle and the earlier Auckland Anniversary floods to properties and transport infrastructure at between $9 billion and $14.5 billion. The total cost in the Hastings District alone is estimated to surpass NZ$2 billion.